
Andrea Reusing
Chef/Owner of Lantern
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Twitter: @andreareusing
Instagram: andreagailreusing

Rep. David E. Price, NC-4

Chefs Boot Camp alum, September 2013
Areas of interest: workers rights, responsible sourcing, agriculture, food justice, and sustainability

"North Carolina’s 150,000 farm workers are so invisible that we often don't even think about the fact that many of them are children."

Andrea Reusing believes that in our food system more attention needs to be given to the rights and living conditions of our country's farmers and workers. She gave a TedxUNC talk, Resetting the Table, where she shared her knowledge of the plight of these workers, particularly youth. With her book Cooking in the Moment Andrea shares approachable recipes for home cooks along with the importance of utilizing local, artisanal producers. She serves on the board of the Chefs Collaborative and Center of Environmental Farming Systems, which fosters just and equitable food and farming systems, and was appointed by North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue to the Sustainable Local Food Advisory Council. She has been on CAN's leadership board since the organization was founded.

Organization affiliations: North Carolina Sustainable Local Food Advisory Council, Chefs Collaborative, and Center of Environmental Farming Systems